Small businesses are often in a hurry to get their site online, which is all well and good, but rushing a job can mean that it’s not done effectively, and there’s nothing worse than trying to use a website that has got huge potential but has ended up having terrible navigation, poor images and you can’t even us it on your phone.

3 things you shouldn’t do

There are 3 huge mistakes that new businesses often make with their websites, all of which are avoidable. The first biggest mistake is not optimising a site for mobile operating systems. It is guaranteed that if a website isn’t designed to be mobile responsive, nobody will stay on it for longer than 5-10 seconds, purely because it will be slow to load, hard to read and it will be full of scroll bars for every direction. Optimise your site for mobiles. Please.

Make your site easy to get around. Having many options to get to one place is confusing to say the least, making it simple means you’ll get more traffic because it’s quicker for people to get around and find what they want immediately. Having navigational menus across the top of your site is the best way to have menus displayed, it means they’re seen straight away and there’s no confusion. Horizontal simple menus. Please.

Trying to be different and standing out is good, but letting that into your web design is bad. If you get it right it could be great, but often feats like that can’t be pulled off unless there is complex software involved which won’t be compatible with every browser or device. Keep your design with a colour scheme and one to 3 different fonts on each page, which are kept consistent throughout the site. If your site is nice to look at and not overloaded with different design aspects, visitors will be more likely to stay on it! Simple content and design. Please.

We can help you avoid mistakes

RS Digital can make sure you get the best out of your new website by helping you to not make these mistakes and provide a mobile responsive, de-cluttered, easy to get around site for your business. As a well-established branding agency, we have the right tools and expertise to get your site great from the get go.

For more information, visit our main site today or call us on 01282 452096.


RS Digital