Being the living network that Facebook is, it’s always updating. The most recent update puts focus on comments and sorting them either chronologically or by the user’s activity.
After months of public uncertainty and rumours, Facebook have finally announced that their social network will support hashtags much in the same way that Twitter does. In a message from Facebook they have said that they hope the introduction of hashtags will help solve issues…
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO is personally denying rumours in which are saying that Facebook was involved in the National Security Agency’s secret PRISM Internet surveillance program! Describing the press reports regarding PRISM as ‘outrageous’ Zuckerberg went on to say that prior to the…
Internet marketing is a broad term and covers a number of different services including search engine optimisation (SEO), Cost per Click (CPC) advertising and the use of social buy effexor online australia networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter. When you are looking to increase…
In today’s world, the internet reigns supreme as one of the key marketing tools for businesses of all descriptions, from high street companies, businesses and sole traders who operate from offices and premises to those who solely operate through their websites and online shopping sites….