It’s easy for a company to completely ignore search engines and try and build an audience through other means, such as word of mouth, radio advertising, email marketing and social media. While these are important methods in gaining an audience, search engines still dominate in…
While not a lot is being said about Google+ as a social platform any more, for those looking to utilise search engine optimisation (SEO) to help your websites rank, it’s still just as important as its ever been. If you continue to use Google +…
Mobilegeddon wasn’t just a scare, and many sites are seeing the results of staying non-mobile friendly, falling down the Google search result rankings and wondering just what went wrong. The algorithm rules are absolute. Falling Ranks Since Google changed the algorithms in April, adding the…
The idea of having a mobile friendly site has made sense over the years as internet usage rates on the move continued to rise, and this year Google has made it an essential component in ranking highly on their search engine site. While some have…
Emoji is a term for an image which is often used in online conversation or mobile phone messaging. These can be smiley faces, or anything else that’s available, and certain companies have been taking advantage of the Emoji, using them outside of social chat, utilising…
Google has announced some new features for their services at the recent I/O developer conference, and these new features are going to add more options than ever before for users of AdWords and Analytics. As digital marketing becomes more prominent for companies, the set of…