Walmart is the biggest retailer in the world, and Facebook has just matched it in market value with only three years as a public company. This shows just how big a deal social media has become in the last few years.

Growing Space

While the revenue Facebook gains doesn’t amount anywhere near to what Walmart makes, it has equal importance in how it shapes lives, more so that Facebook is available throughout the world. A number of companies have avoided social for years, but have jumped on it once it became apparent that the social site will be here to stay.
Technology is prevalent in our society and used by millions on a daily basis. Facebook is one of the first places these millions check as soon as they get online as they eat breakfast, and also one of the last places they check before they go to bed. The market value only supports how important Facebook is in how it shapes people’s lives, and businesses have been able to reach out further thanks to the power of social media.

If your company isn’t yet on social, there is a lot of potential traffic to be gained which is being missed. Just jumping online and posting doesn’t guarantee instant access though, it takes a well-managed campaign to bring out the best results, and approaching a professional online marketing company with a social team in place is the best route to take.

Get Social with RS Digital

At RS Digital we take social media seriously, and we have a team in place to manage your Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn accounts. Don’t have one? We can create it for you, and our management consists of high quality engagement such as news stories, offers and customer interaction.

To view our full range of online marketing services, visit our main page today!

RS Digital
Senior Researcher