It’s hard to make decisions, and it can be even harder to ask the questions. Google Now, an application for Android and Google Chrome, has helped users find the answers they’re looking for, and it’s about to receive an upgrade, determining what you want to ask before you even type anything! The systems are getting smarter…

Mind Reader

The new update now shows suggestions on what you can search for while using Google Now, based on your search history and location. The questions relate to nearby businesses for the user to visit for food, entertainment or services. A Google Now user need never be lost when they go travelling, and the service update is great for local businesses, as it will suggest options which could include them. As long as the SEO is in place for Google to track and rank the local business’s site, your restaurant could be the first port of call for many users of the app!

The update is currently rolling out on Androids, and as mobile online use increases, the importance of the app becomes ever prevalent.

Simply hoping for Google to place the site on the front pages its search engine without any optimisation will only lead to disappointment. Sites need to be mobile friendly and responsive to stand a chance in 2015, and an online marketing company can help you bring your site up to scratch. On standard Google or Google Now, you’ll want to rank high, and with RS Digital help you can!

Rank Up With RS Digital

At RS Digital we aim to help businesses small or large find a place on Google’s search engine. This is done with a combination of organic search engine optimisation, mobile responsive web design, social media and pay-per click marketing (PPC). It’s hard to make a dent on the net without any professional help, and we have a team in place ready to get you the desired results! One day Google Now will be suggesting your business thanks to the power of SEO!

To view out full range of SEO services, visit our main site today, and contact a member of the team for a free review of your website!

RS Digital
Senior Researcher