Everyone has been guilty of doing it when they make a personal tweet. Maybe a drunken tweet of shame that has been seen by those you’d hope wouldn’t have been online by the time you get round to deleting it the next morning. Or maybe you replied to something without fully considering what the Tweet was actually about, causing embarrassment. We’ve all done it (except for our ever talented social media team), and the app TweetDeck has added a feature to help out those who may do it a little more than they’d like.

Ready to Tweet?

The new TweetDeck feature now includes a tick box feature which has the user having to tick the box before they click to tweet. This simple feature means anyone using the app to post to Twitter can have a second look over just what they’re about to post, which can prevent any damage, which is especially important for businesses using the social network.

Social media is essential for a company to partake in today, and for some it can be just too time consuming to run a successful social account and their business. But you can leave your social side with RS Digital, and we always check out tweets, even without this new TweetDeck function!

Social Media At RS Digital

At RS Digital we take social media seriously, as a successful social media campaign can provide a company with a growing audience, and a way to engage with those who seek out their products and services on a day to day basis. Our team in place can set up a Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin account, and fully support the pages with content, news and competitions, giving an online personality so your own business doesn’t have to. It works as a great compliment to search engine optimisation (SEO) and we offer a range of competitive packages so you can find the right online marketing to give your company a boost. Just visit our main page today, and contact a member of the team for a free SEO review today!

RS Digital
Senior Researcher


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